Stage 1 – Pre-Draft

Strategic Issues Paper

The first step in the Pre-Draft Public Consultation phase is the publication of the Strategic Issues Paper and an invitation to make submissions. Submissions will be accepted from members of the public and prescribed stakeholders up until 5pm Thursday 01 February 2024.

The Issues Paper aims to stimulate interest and engagement with the Plan making process.

The Pre-Draft Issues Paper has been prepared to give an overview of the main issues affecting Athlone and sets out some of the key issues that need to be  addressed by the new Plan. It is envisaged that the Issues Papers will stimulate interest and debate which will provide helpful feedback, thus creating a more informed Plan. Submissions are not limited to the issues raised in this paper so please feel free to highlight any other area of interest which you consider relevant to the Plan.

Local community input is considered vital to the entire Joint Urban Area Plan process and the Planning Authority value what you have to say. It is intended that this Issues Paper will kick-start interest and debate which will provide helpful feedback, and result in a stronger and more informed Plan.

Submissions are not limited to the issues raised in this paper so please feel free to highlight any other area of interest which you consider relevant to the Plan. As a first step, both County Council’s are now inviting interested parties or individuals, including but not restricted to, residents, business owners, retailers, community groups, children or groups representing children, and sports groups, to identify key issues that need to be addressed in the JUAP on how Athlone should develop into the future.

Westmeath and Roscommon County Councils now invite submissions from interested parties in relation to the Issues Paper before 17:00 on Thursday 01 February 2024. It should be noted that submissions specifically related to the zoning of lands will be invited and considered during the next public consultation phase i.e., when the Draft Athlone JUAP is placed on public display. To make a submission on the athlone Joint Urban Area Plan Issues Paper click here.

Stage 1 - Pre-Draft